For the last decade Karine has been regularly involved in activities such as teaching and facilitating workshops about photography as a tool to connect people and to create new stories.
Karine completed a training course in participatory photography from PhotoVoice UK. Photovoice is a qualitative (participatory) research method to document and reflect reality through photography. She is also certified in the Covisage method by Instituto8 in Barcelona. Covisage can help to can gain new insights or change perspectives through a photographic dialogue. From 2020- 2023 Karine was involved with the Picture Bridge Foundation as co-director.
During the workshop Shared Waters and Family Histories in collaboration with Framer Framed, Amsterdam and Camissa Museum Capetown (SA). Click this link for more info.
PARTNERS (selection)
Instituto Buena Bista, Curaçao Centre of Contemporary Art, Willemstad (N.A.), Straatnieuws Den Haag, Stichting Hulp en Opvang Prostituees Den Haag, FOTODOK Utrecht, IMC Weekendschool, All You Can Art Summerschool Kunsthal Rotterdam, Youz/ De Jutters Den Haag, HWW Zorg- De Schildershoek Den Haag, De Groene Connectie Rotterdam, Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, Hogeschool Utrecht, Universiteit Utrecht, Framer Framed, Stichting ExpEx, Go Short International Filmfestival Nijmegen.
“For the project at IMC Weekendschool Karine was very committed. She is a nice person to work with. Karine was helpful and thought along. Her enthusiasm and professionalism made my students come at ease and made them feel proud and empowered. The pictures turned out great!”
Rhani Berest, Coördinator IMC Weekendschool. Utrecht.
“Karine designed and facilitated photovoice workshops for the project ‘Who Owns Heemraadssingel’. The aim was to find out how neighbours experience the urban space in which they live. The participants clearly enjoyed the workshops and our team was impressed by the quality and new insights that came out of the project.” Tom van Geest, Urban Planner at De Groene Connectie. Rotterdam.
At home in Molenwijk project, in collaboration with Framer Framed, Utrecht University and Picture Bridge Foundation. Click this link for more info.
Workshop about photobooks and graphic design at Kolga Tblisi Photo Festival (GE). For more info, click this link.
During the project Who Owns Heemraadsingel in Rotterdam where neighbours through photography and storytelling explore the urban space in which they live.
Welcome 2 My World: photoproject in colleboration with FOTODOK and IMC Weekendschool Utrecht about future dreams of children. For more info click on this link (in Dutch).
Project about the daily life of women living in the shelter of SHOP: knowledge and expertise center on sex work and human trafficking. Publication in Straatnieuws Den Haag.
At home in Molenwijk project, in collaboration with Framer Framed, Utrecht University and Picture Bridge Foundation. Click this link for more info.